Monday, July 16, 2007

Fatty Mc-Fat Fat

It's diet number 156,768 ... I think I've done about every diet you can possibly do. And to be honest, it's not the diet's fault. Most of them are perfectly good diets, and for most people I'm sure they work well. I just suck. That's all there is to it. I've tried Weight Watchers, South Beach, Slim-Fast, Lean Cuisines, Diet pills, and gym memberships... its halarious actually.

I think I need to stop eating processed foods. I think that might be the problem. I've been eating Lean Cuisines, or varients of, for the last year and it doesn't seem to help weight loss at all. I think there is too much artifical crap in it. I'm going back on Slim Fast, ONLY because it has vitamins in it, and the rest of my meals are going to be drastically smaller and consist mainly of vegetables. Jenny brought me home a stair stepper, very cool considering it was free (a client). And I'm waiting for Cailin to fax me her home work out routine.

I enjoyed my last crappy meal this weekend at The Ram. It had to be the best chicken burger I've ever eaten. Not to mention the mud-pie we all split afterwards. Ya, I'm disgusting...
The next day, Jen and I went to the U Village and picked out outfits that could possibly be our wedding clothes. I bought the pants I loved, but were WAY too small, for insipiration. I will not weigh myself... I will just put those pants on (or attempt to) once a week until the f*ckers fit.

We finally decided on our Save The Date cards, and they will be disgustingly cute. People will probably vomit on them. We also researched (or Jenny researched and I merely commented yes or no) on ideas for food after the wedding and our wedding "cake" or cakes. Many ideas floating around but they are all good and on track with what we want, which is an easy, fun, casual wedding, that people will enjoy like a party rather than something serious and uptight. Maybe by then I can eat some real food, and not blow up like a balloon. One can only dream...

1 comment:

Jeanna said...

Don't get discouraged Shannon! The no-processed foods thing seems to work well. A lady at my work lost 30 pounds by just cutting out processed foods! Screw SlimFast! That just starves yourself. If you just watch portion control, eat five or six small meals a day, limit sugars and white carbs (and go with whole grains), and excercise, that's the most surfire way. A trainer at the gym once told me that diet is 70% of your weight-loss routine. It took me a while to figure out that I couldn't stick whatever I wanted in my all adds up! If you try to walk three times a week and watch what you eat, it should work. The thing to keep in mind though is that weightloss takes TIME, and don't do anything that seems drinking SlimFast for two meals a day or feeling like you have to walk on a treadmill seven days a week.
Perserverance, determination and a goal (like your wedding) should keep you on track.
Good luck! I'm really excited for your and Jenny's wedding. Sounds fabulous and I know you two ladies will have a great celebration of your love!